
Brand: BENZEMA 480SL


    • Bentazone..............................480g/l

    • Special additives and solvents....520g/l


  • 240ml / bottle
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Benzema 480SL  is a line of super-fluidic herbicides, extremely powerful post-emergent weed killer. The drug is absorbed through the leaves and roots. Thoroughly destroy broad-leaved grasses (three-sided grass, pig's hair grass, sack grass,....). In particular, the drug is very safe for rice and has a long processing time.

Dosage: 1.5 - 1.8 liters/ha.
Mix 100 - 150ml/25 liter bottle of water. The amount of water sprayed is 400 liters/ha.
Spray the entire plant evenly.
Quarantine period: Not determined
Pests: Cỏ chác lác (năn lác), lá rộng.
Crop: Peanut