Plant Support



  • Mg: 6.6%, S: 10%, Bo: 5.000ppm, Cu: 5.000ppm, Fe: 5.000ppm Mn: 15.000 ppm, Zn: 45.000 ppm, Mo: 100ppm, Humidity: 20%


15gr / packet.

  • Benefits
  • Rate of Application

Nutri Plus helps plants recover growth immediately after spraying.

Stimulate early dust bloom, against fall tree.

Against root congestion, limiting yellowing of leaves of microelements

Chống nghẹt đòng, , fast rice entry, green radio.

The grain is full, firm, and bông lúa vào tới cậy.

Soak Seeds: Mix 1 pack of 15gr for 2 liters of water treatment for 40kg of seed. Let the water just flood.

Spray with snail medicine and germicide: 1 pack of 15gr used for 1000m2.

Stimulating Root Growth: 1 pack of 15gr/ used for 1000m2

Spraying by dàn: 1 pack of 15gr used for 1000m2

Spray by spraying machine 30L: 10 packs of 15g used for 1 hectare.