
Brand: RIDOMAX 720WP


  • Mancozeb: 64% w/w
  • Metalaxyl: 8% w/w

Packaing size:

100gr / pack

  • Benefits
  • Rate of Application

The medicine contains two active ingredients, Metalaxyl and Mancozeb. It has a two-way systemic action, contact action, toxicity, and quickly penetrates deep into plant cells. It rapidly contacts the affected areas and dries them quickly, promoting fast recovery of the plant.

Crop plant: Rose

Harmful creatures: Powdery mildew


For rice and vegetables: 50g/25 liters of water.

For fruit trees and industrial crops: 500g/200 liters (2 drums).

Interval between applications: 7 days.

Application method: Spray using 400 - 500 liters of water per hectare.

Apply when the disease incidence is approximately 5%.