Weeds are a hidden worry for farmers

23/12/2023 11:00:46



Success always stems from the first solid steps and rice farming is the same, requiring caution and thoroughness from the moment of sowing. Typically, among the important pests from the beginning of the season that people need to pay close attention to are weeds.

According to scientists, weedy rice is very related to cultivated rice in terms of morphology and biological characteristics. It is a serious pest in sowed rice growing areas with many types such as: black-seeded weedy rice, red grains, long-bearded rice.

Weedy rice reproduces and grows very strongly, competing directly for nutrients and light with cultivated rice, reducing rice productivity. On the other hand, weedy rice has a short growing period, ripens earlier than cultivated rice, and the seeds fall easily, creating a source of leftover seeds in the cultivated land and spreading to the next crop.

In a rice field, if 35% or more of weedy rice is contaminated, the rice yield can decrease by 50-60% and the infection rate will be more serious in the following crops.

To prevent weedy rice from affecting crop productivity, farmers need to use measures such as: killing weedy rice before sowing; Prepare the soil thoroughly and level the field surface, collect weedy rice before it sheds seeds, use pure, weed-free and weedy rice varieties, rotate crops, and use chemical methods.

Currently, using chemical methods is considered the most effective method today. Depending on the time, people can proactively choose the appropriate medicine for each time.

An important note is that farmers must determine when to apply the pesticide, pre-emergence or post-emergence, and need to follow the 4 correct steps when spraying. Pre-sprouting is a herbicide that kills grass when the grass seeds have not yet grown into plants but have only just sprouted (usually 0 - 3 days after sowing). The earlier you spray, the more effective it will be.

Post-emergent is a herbicide that kills weeds after the grass has grown and has leaves. When using post-emergent herbicides, people must not spray too early or too late. If it is too early, it can easily cause negative effects on rice plants. At that time, the grass in the field has not yet grown. Later, people will have to spend money to spray additional money. If spraying too late, it will not be possible to completely destroy it if the dose is kept the same because at this time the resistance of the grass is already strong. If you want to be effective, you have to increase the dose, which is expensive. It is most reasonable to spray when the grass has 2-3 leaves, this time will bring optimal effectiveness and save money.

Farmers can choose Minh Long Company's herbicide products to manage grass such as: SORISFIT PLUS 300EC, RINO 250EC, ZEBRA 460SL


Sorisfit Plus 300EC kills weeds Pre-emergence herbicide. Except for grasses such as: phoenix tail, rice grass, broad-leaved grass, squint and weedy rice in rice fields.


Rino 250EC kills post-emergence weeds with safe active ingredients without worrying about overheating rice. Used to control grasses such as: cage grass, phoenix tail grass.

Zebra 460SL is a post-emergence herbicide that effectively eliminates many types of grass such as: grass, sedge grass, porridge grass and other broad-leafed grasses. In particular, the product is very safe for plants, does not cause poisoning, yellow leaves or plant damage.