Fruit flies are currently the concern of mango growers

23/12/2023 11:00:46

Fruit flies are currently the concern of mango growers

Fruit flies are currently the concern of mango growers

One of the pests that is the concern of people in the mango growing area today is the fruit fly. They cause serious damage on all mango growing areas in the southern region, not only directly reducing the yield and quality of the fruit, but also making mangoes unable to be exported.

What is a fruit fly?

The scientific name of the fruit fly is Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) of the family Trypetidae, order Diptera. The fruit fly is a polyphagous insect that damages more than 30 types of fruit and vegetable crops.

Mango fruit fly

When attacked by fruit flies, the fruit may fall off before ripening at the fruit fly's position on the fruit peel, which is usually black with soft plastic that attracts insects and other harmful fungi. Fruit flies reproduce quickly, in addition to causing damage to mangoes, they also harm many other plants.

Image of mango damaged by fruit flies

To prevent fruit flies from harming farmers, farmers can apply some of the following measures:

- Regularly clean the garden by trimming unnecessary branches to keep the garden clean and clear, limiting the shelter of insects.

- Do not intercrop guava, papaya, orange, tangerine, longan... in the mango garden.

- Use plastic bags to wrap the fruit, harvest early so that the fruit is not overripe.

The image of a farmer's mango wrap

- Using chemical methods: farmers can spray Hero 500EC , Comet 500EC… Should spray twice during the fruiting period. Note the isolation time as on the instruction label. 

In addition, with the current weather conditions, farmers also need to pay attention to pests and diseases on other crops such as rambutan mealybugs, harmful bugs on labels.